Plugin Tag: development
Development Environment Notification
(1 total ratings)This plugin adds a simple notification on the WP Admin bar to help the developer know if they are looking at development or production.
Force Transient Refresh
(0 total ratings)Clear all transients by adding a query string parameter (?ftr) to whatever URL you are trying to load. Not for use in production.
Local Indicator
(1 total ratings)A fast way of seeing which machine a WordPress install is running on.
Dev Corner Badge
(1 total ratings)Places a highly visible marker in the upper corner of every post/page to denote a development site.
Placeholder it
(0 total ratings)Add placeholders easily to widget areas during site development, with many options
(0 total ratings)Easily add styles for specific browsers and rendering engines, from the dashboard!
Toggle Admin Toolbar
(0 total ratings)Adds option to toggle admin toolbar visibility on WordPress frontend.
Product Testimonial
(0 total ratings)Custom Wordpress Testimonial is a plugins that where you can added all testimonials of your clients to your WordPress site.
Development Environment
(1 total ratings)Whoops error handling, no password logins, template hints, no indexing, flush rewrites, everything a developer needs for their local development envir …
Gorilla Debug
(0 total ratings)Gorilla Debug is a simple WordPress plugin. It is geared towards helping programmers with the development of WordPress themes and plugins.
HTTP Authentication site lock
(0 total ratings)Restrict your site from the public while it's in development, staging or maintenance mode.
WP Dev Notice
(0 total ratings)A WordPress plugin that displays a notification if you are working in a development environment
Super Interactive Image Placeholders
(0 total ratings)Display placeholder Lorem Picsum images to avoid chains of 404 requests caused by an incomplete uploads directory (while developing)
Lorem Toolbox
(0 total ratings)Plugin for auto content generation for development and testing purposes.
Prevent Indexing on Non-Live Sites
(0 total ratings)Prevent your WordPress website from being indexed by search engines when it's not on the live site.
Zhu Development Tools for WordPress
(0 total ratings)A WordPress plugin to provide general tools to assist with WordPress development and maintenance. Each tool within this collection is pluggable, allow …